Getting closer….

It’s been a while since my last update, been busy hanging out with Doxie! ๐Ÿ™‚

She had her 3rd round of chemo on 5/12, 4th on 6/2 and we are awaiting her 5th round on the 23rd of June and the last round on July 14th! Every time she goes through chemo she seems to bounce back faster and faster. I also purchased the Dog Cancer Survival Guide and read through that and started her on apocaps and the homemade dog food. I have been doing a 50/50 mix with her old food and she LOVES it. I honestly feel that either the food or the apocaps or both are a factor in her bouncing back from the chemo better and she seems to just have more and more energy as the days go by. One happy mom right here! I thought making the food would be a pain but I just do a double batch and freeze it. I use a baking sheet and a measuring cup and make little “cakes” and freeze them and then put them in a ziplock bag. Works great to just keep a few in the fridge and have a perfect portion all ready to go.

It’s funny, but as we get closer to being done with the chemo, I find I am getting a little scared. I thought I would be happy but it’s making me realize time is going by and once the chemo stops, then it’s all up in the air again and nothing aggressively keeping the cancer at bay. It’s like the chemo has been a safety net in a sense, so weird to say and think that but really it can be. So I guess I’m just scared for the next chapter and need to keep focusing on having time with my baby and enjoy seeing how happy, healthy, and pain free she is right now – cause that’s what it’s all about ๐Ÿ™‚

<3 Amy & Doxie

Here is a video of her playing fetch:


One thought on “Getting closer….

  1. Hey Amy,
    You said it perfectly:

    “keep focusing on having time with my baby and enjoy seeing how happy, healthy, and pain free she is right now โ€“ cause thatโ€™s what itโ€™s all about”

    YES! Maybe each day you can share a “gratitude thought” about where she is at right now. Write it down in a notebook, it could really help you learn how to Be More Dog.

    ALso we would LOVE to see some cooking posts! Glad the Guide is helping you help her so much. It is a wonderful book isn’t it?!

    Keep up the great work!

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